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The brand new installment by Tony Horton is the P90X3 workout that combines all the science and studies from its previous versions all condensed into half the time. How about that, a full, intense workout in only 30 minutes! Time to throw excuses out the window with this program.
One of the first things we need to do once we decide to take the P90X3 Challenge is to choose a specificP90X3 Schedule. We want to choose the best schedule tailored to our personal goals.
How do the different blocks break down?
- Block 1: 4 weeks
- Block 2: 4 weeks
- Block 3: 5 weeks
- Optional after 90 day completion:
- Elite Block: 4 weeks
Let's take a look at theP90X3 Calendars:
Want total body fitness? Classic will be the program of choice. It's a nice balance of cardio, resistance and of course muscle confusion that we first learned about in P90X. This P90X3 schedule is designed to help you gain muscle, lose fat and increase your mobility better than ever before.
This schedule will be more tailored to those who prefer a more toned look. Not really designed for weight loss. Both the Lean and Classic schedules can work equally well. However instead of muscular hypertrophy you'll target more into cardio, functionality and mobility. You can still expect to gain some muscle, lose fat and get strong but you'll remain lean.
For the individuals looking to add bulk over getting ripped, Mass is where you want to be. For this schedule to work well, you'll need to eat a lot. Adding muscle takes calories and most likely more than you're use to. You can use the P90X3 Nutrition Guide, just be sure to be calculating for gains and not weight loss. Another aspect of the Mass P90X3 Schedule is to be sure to stay in the hypertrophy (muscle growth) range during as many sets as possible. Depending on speed, 6-15 reps should be your goal during each set, with a goal of maximizing time under tension. For best results, slow each rep down, keep your focus on form and be sure to use weights you can handle safely and minimize rest time between sets.
This is the P90X3 schedule that is another niche type schedule. It's probably not appropriate for most of us and it's suggested to complete the P90X3 Classic schedule before ever attempting this schedule. Without a good base, doubles can do more damage than good, by breaking down your bodies ability to recover. With that said this P90X3 schedule can accelerate both your fitness gains and weight loss for those who are ready for the challenge.
ELITE P90X3 Schedule
The Elite Block is focused mostly on what's called Complex Training. It's ONLY to be added after completion of one of the P90X3 Schedules above (excluding MASS). Complex training is an intense style of training, centered on post-activation potentiation or PAP. We learned all about PAP training in P90X2, but if you need a refresher click here. PAP is a great tool for increasing athletic performance. The reason it's placed at the end is because a solid fitness foundation is a prerequisite to be able to get the most out of PAP training. Don't look for these workouts in the Mass schedule because this type of training has an emphasis on speed and power instead of muscle growth.
What Can Following the P90X3 Schedule Do For You?
What the team over at Team Beachbody discovered was that the most dramatic transformations would happen in the first 30 minutes of the workout. Ed and Tamara [images below] are just 2 of the P90X3 success stories that Team Beachbody ended up with after the test group went through the program.
What Is The Best P90X3 Schedule?
Honestly this will depend on your own personal goals. If you are unsure of which direction to go I'd start with the Classic Schedule. It's the most balanced and will help you in ALL aspects of your fitness.
In Closing
Just because this workout is only 30 minutes doesn't mean that you can just show up and get results. You have to bring it for each and every workout and trust me if you do, you'll be drenched in sweat and feeling amazing. Are you ready to push play?
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